16. Lab: Constraint Satisfaction Problems (Optional)

Illustration of 8-Queens Puzzle Solution

Illustration of 8-Queens Puzzle Solution

In this optional exercise you can check your understanding of Constraint Satisfaction Problems by solving the N-queens problem using symbolic constraints and backtracking search in a Jupyter notebook.

  • To get started, clone this GitHub repo: https://github.com/udacity/AIND-Constraint_Satisfaction

  • Open AIND-Constraint_Satisfaction.ipynb. Activate the AIND anaconda environment, then run:

    jupyter notebook AIND-Constraint_Satisfaction.ipynb

  • Follow the instructions to complete the constraints for the N-Queens CSP and implement Backtracking-Search from AIMA in the notebook.

  • If you're stuck or would like to discuss your approach, hop onto the forums.

Once you're done, there's no need to submit (this is not a reviewed project), but feel free to share your results with others, or tackle the optional additional exercises at the end of the notebook.